Vitamin D is a type of vitamin that acts more like a steroid hormone than a dietary aid supplement. It is not directly available in most foods, like other vitamins. That is why it’s estimated that over 70% of people have a vitamin D deficiency in some form.
Vitamin D comes primarily from the sun. “The sunshine vitamin” comes from the synthesizing of UVB rays when sunlight hits your skin. Vitamin D is a type of fat-soluble vitamin that helps your body absorb other nutrients.
Even though vitamin D is good for you, you should be careful with getting too much sunlight on your skin.
A healthy intake of vitamin D ensures a good mood in the long run. It is believed that vitamin D helps tackle depression.
Getting enough vitamin D
It can be hard for your skin to obtain adequate amounts of sun rays when you live in, let’s say, England. It also varies from person to person how effectively your skin absorbs sunlight and creates vitamin D. This is where supplements play an important role. They compensate for the lack of sunlight you’re getting.
Difference between vitamin D2 and D3
Vitamin D has two different types. Vitamin D2 comes from funghi and plants and is often included in bread, cereal and fortified milk. Vitamin D3 comes from animal products and is like the vitamin we naturally make by absorbing sunlight.
Therefore most doctors and other health experts recommend using vitamin D3.
Benefits of vitamin D3:
Vitamin D3 has an impact on thousands of genes in your body. You can find vitamin D receptors in almost every cell. As soon as vitamin D binds to a receptor, it can turn genes on and off. Study has shown that vitamin D3 can turn off genes causing cancer.
Another amazing thing about vitamin D3 is that it tells cells which minerals and vitamins to absorb. Which greatly improves certain body processes.
- Bone health, Vitamin D3 helps absorb calcium-two compounds and phosphorus. Which improves density and strength of the skeletal system.
- Blood pressure, Boston University found that high blood pressure often drops when the body gets vitamin D3.
- Insulin Control, vitamin D3 triggers the process to make insulin. So to manage blood sugar levels more effectively, vitamin D3 is a great help.
- Good mood, vitamin D3 improves your mood! Although we do need a functioning body, a good mood may be the most significant benefit in the list.
- Prevent cancer, some evidence supports the idea that an increase in vitamin D3 in your body decreases the chance of getting cancer.
What happens when you have a D3 deficiency?
There are several problems that are linked to a shortage of vitamin D3 in the body, which are:
- Severe pain in your bones and the development of osteoporosis
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Difficulties while walking.
Experts estimate that around 30% of people have a deficiency. Which is pretty high, considering the benefits of vitamin D3 are amazing.
Is your body getting enough vitamin D3?
Most doctors agree that everyone needs at least 15 minutes of sunlight, with no sunscreen smeared on. Avoid using too much sunscreen, without getting sunburn. Some areas that are highly polluted filter out UV rays. A darker skin tone also reduces the amount of sunlight that is absorbed. Keep that in mind.
To make sure you’re body gets enough vitamin D3 we offer high quality D3 tablets. You can find out more about our Vitamin D3 here.